Friday, September 18, 2009


  Bloom: She discovered her dormant magical powers after coming to the aid of another fairy, Stella. Strong and caring, she is always available to help her friends. Shortly after arriving at Alfea, she discovers that her powers of fire come from the ancient Dragon's Flame. She is the princess and survivor of the planet Domino,her birthplace.Her birthday is on December 10.She owns a blueish bunny named Kiko. Her pixie is Lockette, the pixie of mazes and portals. Her magical pet is Belle, a green and white sheep.                                                                                                                                                          *  



Blum je najača Winxica od svih zato što poseduje zmajevu vatru,koju će joj Ajsi,Darsi i Stormi(Trix)uzeti u prvoj sezoni kako bi uništili Medžiks dimenziju.Blum je usvojena iako to u početku neće znati tek će kasnije otkriti.U prvoj epizodi Winxa u Gardeniji Blum će saznati da je vila tako što će spasiti Stelu koja je pala na planetu Zemlju kada je sa Solarije odlazila na Alfiju školu za vile.Blumini biološki roditelji zovu se Oritel i Merion koje se ne zna kada še i dali će pronaći roditelje zato što do kraja treće epizode ih neće naći,a četvrta se tek pravi.Blumina najbolja prijateljica je Stela.Blumina omiljena boja je roza,a omiljena hrana pizza.Blum je vrlo vešta po pitanju misija jer se tada dosta unosa,malo više nego ostali i lakše pobećuju Trix koje stalno pobede.Njen dečko u početku prve sezone bio zvao se Barndon,ali su otkrili da je on ustvari princ Sky i da treba da oženi Diaspro sa kojom će i raskinuti.Svoj Charmix dobija tako  što će verovati Sky-u i izvinuti se kao i ostatku grupe zato što se u poslednje vreme nije baš najbolje ponašala prema njima,dok je enchantix dobila dugačije od svih vila iz Winx Cluba i postala izuzetak zato što nikoga nije spasila sa svoje planete jer je ona odavno opustošila već je morala da ode na Pyros(Piros)osrtvo zmajeva gde je pronašla svog zmaja koji ju je učio kako da se ponaša kao zmaj i da radi sve kao zmaj.Kada ju je tamo spasila maja čuvarica ona ju je takoće podučavala kako da postane jače nego pre i kada su došle Trix i napale je i rekle da je Valtor pozdravio Blum ona se razbesnela i tada je dobila svoj enchatnix.Blumin pixie je Lockette(Lokit).Lokit je pixie prolaza.Njen Rodjendan je 10 Decembra.Njena zivotinja je Bela-Bele.....zeleno-bela ovcica......


  Stella: She is a talkative and "girly girl" student who often gets average or low grades, but always pulls through with help from her friends. She tends to be spontaneous and dislikes extensive planning, but she is able to recognize when her help is needed. Stella is also infamous amongst the Alfea houses for blowing up a laboratory and being kept back a grade; thus, she is a year older than all the other Winx Club fairies. She has the power of the sun and the moon because her mother represents the moon and her father represents the sun. Her Birthday is on 10 August.She is the princess of the planet Solaria , her birthplace. Her pixie is Amore, the pixie of love. Her magical pet is Ginger, a white poodle.                                                                                                                                *  



Stela je vila sunca i meseca i dolazi sa planete Solarije,gde je ona princeza,međutim u trećoj sezoni će se pojaviti zla Šimera koja prezire Stelu isto kao i njena majka grofica Kasandra koje đe začarati kralja Radiusa i Stelu pretvoriti u žabu,ali povratiće svoj bivši izgled brzo.Stela obozava modu i ona prosto mora da bude stalno u trendu,a kad bi videla neku torbu ili nešto slatko na rasrodaji poludela bi.... :) ......Naravno Stela prosto ne može da se ne šali stalno,pa skoro uvek ona može da oraspoloži Winx grupu,mada ponekad njene šale i komentari su suvišni,a pogotovo na nekim teškim misijama pošto se tu najviše šali,a trebala bi najmajnje.Stela je ujedno i jedna od najlepših Winxica u grupi.Stelin dečko zove se princ Sky u početku prve sezone,ali kasnije će se otkriti da su lagali i da mu je pravo ime Brandon.Charmix će zaslužiti tako što će se poveriti Lejli i reći joj kako se pre nisu baš najbolje slagale,ali da će biti bolje prijateljice,a enchantix tako što je spasila oca na žueci kod Skaja na 1000 godina postojanja Erakliona,kada bude spasila svoga oca od zmaja koji pokuša da ga uništi.Stelin pixie je Amore(Amor).Amor je mali slatki pixie ljubavi.Njen rodjendan je 10 Avgusta.Ona može da spoji dvoje ljudi koji se voli ili ne svojom voljom.Njena zivotinja je Dzindzer-Ginger.....bela pudlica.....


  Flora: Flora is a very kind-hearted and sensitive girl with a passion for nature and life. Happy and introverted, she is always a sweet, loyal friend and doesn't believe in hurting others or the environment. She is extremely fond of plants and nature and her room consequently resembles a greenhouse. She has the power of nature, which allows her to use plants in her attacks and natural predators to exterminate pests. She comes from the planet Linphea. And her Birthday is on March 16.Her pixie is Chatta, the pixie of gossip. In Season 3, it is revealed that Flora has a younger sister named Miele (Rose in the 4kids dub). Her magical pet is Coco, a pink cat.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             *  



Flora je jedna od najpametnijih Winxica u klubu,mada je ponekad i trapava.Ona je vila prirode i može naravno da koristi bilo šta iz prirode za napad,ali naravno moze da ih koristi kako želi.Florin pixie je Chatta.Flora će dobiti dečka u drugoj sezoni kada se bude upoznala sa Hilijem.Flora živi u Limphea(Limfeji) gde ima i mlađu sestru Mjele.Flora je svoju Charmix transformaciju dobila takođe zato što je morala da veruje u sebe i rekla Hiliju da ga voli,kada joj je on odgovorio da je voli i otišao ona je bila srećna i dobila Charmix,a enchantix je dobila tako što su morali da odu u Limfeju kako bi uzeli malo suze od žalosne vrbe koja je bila jedino tamo u Limfeji kako bi spasli direktorku koja je bila zarobljena u drvetu.Njen rodjendan je 16 Marta.Njena magicna zivotinja je Coco pink mackica......


  Musa: Musa loves all forms of music. Although she tries to put up a tough front to isolate herself and is often pessimistic, she is a loyal and caring friend. Musa has the best grades of the entire Winx Club (including Tecna). She is a tomboy (similar to Layla). She is pale and has an Asian in appearance, with blue-black pigtails and blue eyes. She has the power of music, and she gets her energy from all kinds of music. She comes from the planet Melody so she grew with music all around her. Her first magic that she used was her flute. Her mother was a great singer and her father a great pianist. Her father would make all kinds of musical instruments. Musa's mother died when Musa was young and she lived with her father. Her pixie is Tune, the pixie of manners, who often gets on Musa's nerves since they are almost the exact opposite of each other in terms of personalities. Her birthday is on May 10.Her magical pet is Pepe, a brown bear.


Mjuza je vila muzike i ona bi volela da se u budućnosti bavi muzikom kao i njena majka koja je nažalost umrla,ali u početku Mjuzin otac to nije dozvolio dok na jednom koncertu mjuza ocu nespasi život  svojim moćima i tada otac će joj se izvinuti i popustiće.Mjuzin dečko zove se Riven koji ima groznu narav iako se neće bas ponekad slagati biće u vezi,i njihovu vezu će otac zabraniti,ali na tom koncertu Mjuzi kao i njenom ocu Riven će pomoći da oteraju zlu Stormi koja je došla da uništi mjuzu.Ona najviše što voli jeste da sluša muziku,to joj doće kao neki hobi.Mjuza od svih veštica najviše mrzi Darsi pre svega što i Darsi nju mrzi,ali i zato što će Darsi da Mjuzi za jedno vreme preotme dečka,ali njega će koristiti samo za špijuna.Mjuzin najjači napad je zvučni talas.U trećoj sezoni već u prvoj epizodi Mjuza će promeniti svoj izgled tako što će produžiti sebi kosu tačnije kikice i izgledati vrlo lepo.Mjuza dobija svoj Charmix tko što će verovati Rivenu,a enchantix kada bude bila spasila Galateu princezu melodija odakle je i Mjuza.Mjuzin pixie zove se Tune(Tjun).Njen rodjendan je 19 Maja.Tjun je pixie lepog ponašanja,ali njoj nikada ne može dosaditi da nešto čisti ili sprema.Njena magicna zivotinja je Pepe....braon meda.....


   Tecna: Tecna is always logical and rational, and initially had trouble expressing her emotions. She speaks in a technical and a matter-of-fact manner. She is extremely intelligent and strong in technology and mathematics and enjoys playing video games and dismantling stuff. She can act cold and rational at times, but always tries to do the right thing. She has the power of technology and can control everything provided by technology.Her Birthday is on december 16. She comes from the planet Zenith. Her pixie is Digit, the pixie of technology. Her magical pet is Chicko, a yellow duck.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 *  



Tehna je vila tehnologije.Ona obožava tehnologiju i nigde neide,a da sa sobom ne ponese neku svoju stvarčicu.Ona naravno zna da kreira i pravi sebi stvari koje su joj potrebne,kao u trećoj sezoni trebaće im teleportat i ona ce ga napraviti.Naravno ni Tehna nije stalno sva u brojevima,ona takođe kao i svi ostali voli da izlazl u šetnju,u diskoteku...I Tehna naravno ima svog dečka Timija koje je takođe zaluđenik u tehnologiju tako da su njih dvoje stvoreni jedno za drugog.Naravno ima nekih trenutaka kada Tehna bude ljuta na Timija kao onda u drugoj sezoni kada je on pustio Icy,Darcy,Stormy(Ajsi,Darsi,Stormi(Trix))da uzmu jedan deo knjige ya koji se čak i mali pixi crvene fontane borio za njega!!!!Tehna će dobiti Charmix tranformaciju tako što će verovati Timiju,i rekla da joj je žao zbog svega,a enchantix poslednju transmormaciju tako što će zatvoriti omega portal u Androsu kako bi spasila svet,ali nažalost portal ju je zatvorio u njega i winxice su morali da idu da je traže!Tehnin pixie je Digit(Didžit).Digit se može reći da je pixi tehnologije zato što i ona kao tehna obožava da pravi neke spravice i igra se po kompjuterima.Njen Rodjendan je 16 decembra.Digit i Tehna upoznale su se još pre nego što su se videle,preko svojih računara.Njena magicna zivotinja je Cikou......zuta patkica....


Layla (Aisha in Italy): Layla is the Princess of Andros (renamed "Tides" in the 4Kids dub). She has a restless, rebellious, and wild nature. Layla is a good athlete, fighter, dancer, and wind-raider rider. She is also a feminist and thus opposes Riven, a chauvinist. She is also somewhat of a tomboy (similar to Musa). She has the power of fluids and is able to manipulate a pink fluid called "Morphix" to take on any form she chooses. She joins the Winx Club in season two and brings her pixie friends along with her. Her birthday is on June 15.Her pixie is Piff, the pixie of sweet dreams, who quite frequently helps her with her troubling nightmares. Her magical pet is Milly, a white rabbit.




Lejla dolazi sa planete Androsa koja je ujedno i kraljevsto,a Lejla je princeza Androsa!                  Lejla dolazi u Winx Club u drugoj sezoni kada zli Darkar želi da uništi celu magičnu dimenziju.Lejla dolazi sa njenim prijateljima pixijima(Lockette,Piff,Amore,Digit,Chatta,Tune)mada kasnije tu će biti jos pixija kao i pixi ljubimaca.Lejla neće imati dečka do treće sezone dok nesretne Ofira ,dok će se otkriti da je on ustvari Nabu sa Androsa onaj koga su Lejlini roditelji izabrali da se Lejla venča sa njim!Iako ni Nabu ni Lejla u pocetku nisu želeli da se venčaju oni su se zavoleli tokom misije pronalaženja vodenih zvezda koje će uništiti Valtora koji će se pojaviti u trećoj sezoni i takođe pokušati da unisti celu dimenziju............ali Lejla i Ofir se neće venčati već će još dugo dugo biti u vezi i zabavljati se........!Lejla obožava sport pa je u tome ravna majstorima magije.Lejla je vila vode,a njeno kraljevstvo je okruženo okeanom u kome se nalazi dimenzijonalni prolaz.Dobiće Charmix tako što je verovala u sebe i govorila da nije sama,a encantix tako što će spasiti kraljicu sirena!Lejlin pixie zove se Piff,i Piff skoro stalno spava,čak i na nekim misijama.Njen rodjendan je 15 juna.Njena magicna zivotinja je Mili.....beli zeka.....


   Roxy has power over animals. Roxy is the last terrestrial fairy, whom the Wizards of the Black Circle pursue in order to imprison. The Winx fairies' newest mission is to protect Roxy from the evil Wizards of the Black Circle, who are after her. Roxy has waist-length, hot pink hair with yellow tips, and eyes of arbitrarily interchanging violet and amber color. She also lives in Gardenia, just like Bloom, and is described as out-going. The Winx girls noticed her in the coolest bar in town-and got to befriend with her later in the series-where her father and herself work: The Frutti Music Bar. As the fairy of animals, she owns a pet dog, Artù, whom she loves very much and tends with care. Her Fairy outfit theme color was revealed to be dark green, in subtle contrast with Layla's aquamarine tone.Her Birthday is on June 9.

*Njen rodjendan je 9 Juna.Roxy ima moc zivotinja i ona je poslednja vila sa zemlje,koju ce kada je Winx budu spasile dobiti Believix i primiti je u grupu.....i ona ce tako postati sedmi clan druzine Winx CLuba......:DDD

The Trix

  The Trix are an evil trio of teenage witch sisters who attended the Cloudtower School for Witches (only in the first season, after which they got expelled), a school which used to rival Alfea. They are the enemies of the Winx Club. In the fourth season, as of episode 13, the Trix do not appear yet.

Icy: The leader and eldest of the trio, her name refers to her powers of ice. She is quite charismatic. She despises Stella and is most competitive with her in the first season. In the second she is more spiteful towards Bloom. She is the most powerful of the three and thinks she is the most beautiful. She has long, white hair tied up high on her head. She wears dark blue as her normal outfit, but for Cloudtower, her uniform is a light blue top, a light blue skirt, and light blue boots, with the change of her makeup color as well. In comparison to her sisters she is less aggressive than Stormy and a little lighter than Darcy; she has a proper balance of her power.

Darcy: Darcy works with all forms of darkness, as her name suggests ("Darcy" meaning "Dark One"). She is the smartest of the Trix. She enjoys tormenting "pathetic pixies". In season one, she is aggressive towards Musa because Musa loved Riven, who was on Darcy's "wanted as boyfriend" list in the first season. She has long, dark brown hair. She wears purple and interacts with boys more than all of her other sisters. In the first season, she used Riven to help defeat the Winx and later, abandoned him. Therefore, she plays a very important role in the first season. She is less aggressive than her sisters (especially Stormy).
Stormy: The youngest of the trio, her powers involve wind, storms, and weather. She has the shortest temper of the group and is prone to violent outbursts. She is most aggressive towards Musa in season 2. She has purple, short curly and quite frizzy hair that looks like a storm has been through it. She often doesn't think before she does something. She secretly believes she is more powerful than her older sisters Darcy and Icy. She wears hot pink/dark purple.She is the most aggressive sister of the trio.

The Specialists

Sky: The prince of Eraklyon, he feels stifled by his position. He has medium blonde hair and is as of Secret of the lost kingdom, Because he loves Bloom, he refuses to marry Diaspro, the girl of his parents' choice. Also, in the first season, Sky does not use his real name, because he wants people (like Bloom) to like him for his personality, not his title.

Brandon: Sky's squire, a great swordsman and ladies' man. He is sometimes conceited like Stella, a reason why they are a good match. He has short brown hair. He is stella's boyfriend. In the first season, he switched names with Sky. Since he's a ladies' man he dresses nicely and cares about how he looks so does his girlfriend Stella.

Timmy: He acts as the geek of the group sometimes and comes from a long line of scientists. He has short ginger hair and is Tecna's boyfriend. He is shy, sweet, and smart. Both Tecna and Timmy love techology.That's why they're meant for each other. When Tecna sacrificed herself for the sake of the whole magic dimension and got trapped in the Obsidian dimension, Timmy felt distressed and missed her a lot, ofter felling into trances. He however regains confidence when the team rescued Tecna. He is an expert pilot and weapon specialist. His weapon of choice is Plasma Gun. He is shown to have less fighting skills but has the most intellect, which proves very useful to the team. Timmy is best friends with Helia.

Riven: A lone wolf, very competitive and good at sports. He has short spiked magenta colored hair.His mother left him in his young age and so he hates his mother. He is Musa's boyfriend.He and Musa kind of have the same young life. Musa's mom died and Riven's left him.Sometimes he might over react with Musa because he's jealous when Musa became friends with another boy.At first riven had a connection with Cloudtower because he was controled under a spell until the witches realized they didn't need him any more and they locked him up in Cloudtower. Luckily he escaped and joined the good guys. Riven is best friends with Nabu.

Helia: An artistic student, he is a great pilot and a pacifist. His uncle, Saladin, is the Headmaster of Redfountain. He has long Blue-Black hair tied into a loose ponytail. He is also very romantic and shy about directly speaking about his feelings. He is very good at using his laser string glove (a fictional weapon in the show) and tries to help everyone with it. He is Flora's boyfriend. He was the top student in Redfountain until he decided to quit and dedicate his life to nature and poetry. He has rejoined Redfountain now. Both Helia and Flora loves nature and can't bare to see if someone harms it. Helia is best friends with Timmy.

Nabu: A royal born of Andros/Tdies, the same planet where Layla is from. He is engaged to Layla and secretly left his home planet under the identity of 'Ophir' to keep Layla out of danger. Instead, the winx and the specialists mistake him as a spy of Valtor. He however saves the team on multiple occassions and helped deafeat Valtor. He gained Layla's trust and love. He also joined the group on Earth in season 4. Nabu is also a wizard, shown using magic unlike other boys. He also uses a magic shaft as a weapon. Nabu has very long dark reddish brown hair, often braided or tied and brown skin as Layla's. Nabu is best friends with Riven.